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Main Connect News Ask the Right Questions in a Job Interview

Ask the Right Questions in a Job Interview

Monday, April 8, 2013

While it might not feel like one, a job interview can be very similar to a first date. You're trying to find a connection, make it last for the long term, and ultimately, get that first call back. You may feel as though all the pressure is on you to present yourself as the best candidate, but in reality, you should be checking out the company by the same token. Don't let the law firm, government agency or financial firm you're meeting dominate the conversation - instead, make it an even balance and by the end, you'll both know if you could see a future together.

Here are some tips to help you enjoy a job interview as you would a good first date:

Clear the Air
Being a little bold can show an employer that you are serious about the position and get straight to business in any job you pursue. Kelsey Meyer, senior vice president of a talent agency in Montana, told Forbes that one brave question stood out from the rest: Is there any reason why you wouldn't hire me?

"This one question is something I would suggest every single candidate ask," she told Forbes. "If you have the guts to ask it, I don't think you'll regret it."

By asking this question, you're giving yourself the chance to explain any discrepancies before leaving the interview.

Room to Grow
When you fill a position at a company, such as a legal assistant or paralegal, you'll likely consider ways to expand your professional goals after a year or two of employment. Some companies have
incredible opportunities to grow within the organization - in fact, many employers offer their workers new roles before posting them to the public. If your career goals are high, you can ask hiring managers what types of professional growth opportunities you should expect during your time employed. This will give you a better idea if you'll have a happy and bright future at the company.

Company Culture
The way a workplace culture operates is important in knowing how happy you'll be getting up in the morning and reporting to work every day. You're free to ask a recruiter what he or she thinks of the culture, and what the most or least desirable aspects of it may be. Ultimately, when you ask these deeper inquiries, employers will see how serious you are about finding the right fit for yourself as well.

Students who are interested in pursuing legal careers can learn the ins-and-outs of the profession in the legal courses in the Paralegal programs at Reeves College. For more information, fill out the form on the right.