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Career Services - Helping You Reach Your Career Goals

As a Reeves College graduate, you will have access to career services for up to 6 months after your studies. We have an entire team of dedicated experts to help you take important steps toward landing a job in your chosen field. Career Services at Reeves College will help you conduct efficient and thorough job searches to help you officially launch your new career.


You can also receive expert guidance and proofreading to craft an impressive resume that catches the attention of potential employers.


What happens once you land that coveted interview? Don’t worry. Reeves College Career Services will also help prep you for interviews by running through questions and giving you pointers on what employers want to hear.


Reeves College has established a robust network of professionals across Alberta, and we are continually fostering relationships with companies that have previously hired our graduates. These connections are a powerful resource when you embark on your job search, offering a wealth of opportunities and potential employers.


After you gain valuable on-the-job training through your practicum placement, the Career Services department at Reeves College will help you capitalize on your strengths while preparing you for the exciting career path ahead. The support continues for Reeves College alumni long after graduation.


For employers:


For 50 years, Reeves College has played an integral role in helping Albertans launch careers they love. With five campuses throughout the province, Reeves College continues to be one of the leading career training providers in Alberta. We provide exceptional market-driven diploma programs that prepare students with real-world skills and knowledge to confidently enter the workforce and excel on the job.


Why waste time and money posting for new staffing positions? Does sorting through piles of resumes to find the right candidates overwhelm you? Are you sure you’re getting qualified candidates?


Why go through the hassle of sifting through countless resumes or spending time and money on job postings? With Reeves College Career Services, you can tap into one of the largest pools of well-trained career professionals in the region, making your hiring process more efficient and effective.


Connect with the Career Services department today to find a Reeves College grad to join your company!

Contact Career Services

June 12, 2024
We're thrilled to celebrate a remarkable achievement at Reeves College! The first dental assisting cohort at our Edmonton South Campus received i...
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