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Main Connect News Bad Habits All Business Professionals Should Avoid

Bad Habits All Business Professionals Should Avoid

Monday, January 16, 2012

Sometimes, businesses start out explosively, launching products and services that can’t be matched anywhere on the market, only to lose to the competition in the long run. The Globe and Mail recently released a report discussing the reasons why seemingly successful companies ultimately fail, according to business management professor and author Sydney Finkelstein.

Finkelstein published the seven habits of unsuccessful executives in his book, "Why Smart Executives Fail," warning professionals in the corporate world of signs that may indicate a CEO's bad business practices.

According to Finkelstein, a lack of respect can be a telltale sign of an executive who overestimates his company's control against other leading businesses in the industry. A habit such as this one can result in a company that loses sight of its competition and ultimately falls short because it can't keep up.

Young professionals and students embarking on the first steps toward business careers can get a fundamental education in business management courses at Reeves College. The institution offers business programs that train students to become successful professionals. By filling out the form on the right, you can enroll in these courses and follow a path toward the career within months.